Our General Data Protection Regulation Statement illustrates all data is held securely by Innovative Testing Solutions Ltd, under the terms of the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Please also read our “Website Privacy Policy”. All data will be treated confidentially with the utmost care and respect and will not be disclosed to external organisations, other than for legitimate reasons or Legal Obligations (eg Money Laundering Regulations).
Innovative Testing Solutions Ltd are keen to strike a fair balance between your personal privacy and ensuring that you obtain full value from the services we provide, whilst ensuring that we fully comply with all the Data Protection Act 2018 principles and GDPR regulations. By providing your personal data, you are agreeing to it’s processing and use by Innovative Testing Solutions Ltd for the purpose for which it was given.
We may communicate with you in person, by phone, email and postal services except where you have expressed a preference not to be contacted in a specific way and your data will be used for the following purposes:
- The sending of emails, which will be tracked, stored and analysed to ensure that we are better able to tailor our communications.
- The promotion of Innovative Testing Solutions Ltd and our products and services we offer as a company.
- Notification of events, news, discounts and promotions that may be of interest to you.
- Distribution of information regarding our products and services including our newsletters.
- Research and audit purposes.
- And for any other use deemed to sit within our data protection statement.
GDPR gives you the right to request that your data is not used for any of the above purposes. If you do not wish your personal details to be used by Innovative Testing Solutions Ltd for any or all of the above purposes, then you can change your communication preferences at any time by contacting us directly in writing as per our contact details below.
If you do not wish your personal details to be held by us we will remove your address and contact details from our records. In order to do this, please write to us at: Innovative Testing Solutions Ltd, 4 Parkside Court, Greenhough Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire, UK, WS13 7AU or email us at: