Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training

Employees need to know both the benefits of the workplace drug and alcohol policy, their role, and rights, as well as the ethical and legal responsibilities placed on them – ensuring this information is acquired is vital to the integrity and success of your policy.


Innovative Testing Solutions. Quality. Innovation. Trust.

Raising The Standards – Not Just Meeting Them!

Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training

Our Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training provides a rich education on the most important pieces of information surrounding workplace Drug & Alcohol policy, testing and support. This training course will help you to put your workplace Drug and Alcohol policy into practice., It will equip all staff including directors, managers and supervisors with the correct knowledge and skills necessary to be confident to carry out their responsibilities under the organisation’s Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedures in a competent and legally defensible manner.

What To Expect

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Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training by Matt Taylor

“After putting in place a robust drug & alcohol policy, the next step is ensuring that your team understand it and why it’s important. Our Drug & Alcohol Awareness training is aimed at managers and supervisors and goes into detail around legal requirements, spotting the signs and symptoms, testing, support and how to apply this within your organisation. Our employee briefings are designed to effectively inform your staff about the risks associated with substance misuse for both individuals and the team, and how your drug & alcohol policy serves to prevent accidents and uphold health & safety.”


Matt Taylor, Director

From one-hour employee briefings to large scale national training programs, we will work closely with you and your teams to achieve the required outcomes and to demonstrate due diligence.

Always delivered with passion and the most up-to-date information, our training sessions can be delivered both in person and through online sessions.

Drug & Alcohol Training for Management

ITS deliver structured management training courses to equip Managers and Supervisors with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective drugs and alcohol policy maintenance. Experienced and qualified trainers ensure the outcomes of competence-based training enable candidates to:

  • Recognise Employers’ legislative responsibilities through HASAW
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of substance misuse
  • Understand the role of Directors/Management/Supervisors and Employees in the implementation of policy
  • Ensure policy and procedures can be followed with confidence

Our typical drugs and alcohol awareness courses have a duration of four hours and are designed for a target audience of around 12 candidates, although more is possible.

It is considered of high value that all staff involved in For-Cause/With-Cause Drug & Alcohol Screening should attend this course.

Other shorter courses and briefings addressing “signs & symptoms” etc are also available. We can also create bespoke courses for your needs subject to consultation.

Drug & Alcohol Policy Briefings for Staff

Co-ordinated briefing sessions are designed in a way that all attendees:

  • Understand the intended method of policy application
  • Appreciate the types of support systems available to individuals with known related problems
  • Recognize the consequences of policy non-compliance

Briefing sessions can be delivered to groups of varying sizes, we have delivered to audiences of 150. All sessions are supported by visual aids and the distribution of related drugs and alcohol literature. ITS deliver staff briefings as part of the overall education and training program. At approx. 1-1.5hr in length, the briefings allow staff to get a better understanding of the policy and engage by asking questions.

Why is Drug and Alcohol Awareness important?

There are many reasons that drug & alcohol awareness training is invaluable both for your team and for your business. It’s important that your staff at every level know their responsibilities and rights, but proper awareness is also important for:

Reducing risk of accident

Informing staff of both the risks associated with substance misuse and the consequences if they are found to be intoxicated at work can work as a deterrent, which in turn will reduce the risk of substance misuse related accidents at work. This fosters a safer working environment for all.

Mental health

Substance misuse is commonly associated with mental health and wellbeing concerns. Our course and your drug & alcohol policy will let your staff know that there is support available, which can prevent substance misuse or help to solve it.

If you think a robust training program could benefit your business, contact us today for a no obligation chat. Or, read about our chain of custody training and complete suite of services.