Covid-19 Antigen LDF Nasopharyngeal Sample Method
Instruction For Covid-19 Antigen LFD Nasophayngeal Sample Method
Here you will see how to perform a Rapid Lateral Flow COVID-19 Antigen Test.
Innovative Testing Solutions Rapid Lateral Flow COVID19 Antigen Test provides results in under 15 minutes. Please pay close attention to the step-by-step guide in this video.
For the test you will need:
1. PPE
2. Sample collection swab
3. Rapid COVID19 Antigen test
4. Sample testing workstation
5. Extraction buffer, extraction tube & tip
6. Timer
7. Clinical waste container
8. Your company procedure and paperwork for consent, recording and reporting results
Before you start, either wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds using soap and warm water or use hand sanitiser.
When unpacking your test equipment, ensure the following:
• The kits & materials are at room temperature. Between 15 and 30oC
• Select a Rapid COVID19 Antigen Test. Do not open yet
• Ensure foil pouch is intact and sealed
• Ensure the kit is within the expiry date
• Ensure the extraction buffer solution is within the expiry date
Do not use if the foil pouch is open or expiry dates have passed.
First, carry out any pre-test company paperwork and donor consent.
Then prepare your sample workstation, extraction tube and tip. Insert the extraction tube into the workstation and make sure that the tube is standing upright and is secure.
Next, add 10 drops of the sample extraction buffer into the extraction tube.
Then, select a sterile sampling swab, ensuring the pouch is intact. Open with care and remove from the pack by the handle. Do not touch the swab sampling head.
Ensure the donor is comfortable and explain the sampling procedure. Carefully insert the swab into one nostril. Swab over the surface of the posterior nasopharynx. Gently roll the swab 5 to 10 times slowly along the inside of the nostril. Repeat for the 2nd nostril.
Once completed, insert the sample swab head into the pre-prepared extraction tube and rotate the swab head in the buffer solution between 6 to 10 times. Then leave the swab to stand in the extraction tube for 1 minute.
After 1 minute remove the swab. When removing the swab, slightly squeeze the sides of the extraction tube, trying to get as much sample off the swab head as possible. Once removed, dispose of the swab safely. Now place the extraction tube tip onto the extraction tube, ensuring it is on tightly. Place this back into the workstation.
Pick up your pre-selected Rapid COVID-19 Antigen test kit. Carefully tear open the foil pouch, remove the screening device and place it on a flat surface.
Add your sample to the test kit. To do this, hold the extraction tube vertically and add 4 drops of sample & buffer mix solution into the sample well.
Start the timer. Allow the test to run and read the results at 15 minutes. Do not interpret the results after 20 minutes.
Positive screen result:
The presence of both the control line (C) and test line (T) indicates a positive screen result.
Negative screen result:
The presence of the control line (C) only, indicates a negative screen result. A negative screen result may indicate either the concentration of ‘antigen’ is below the limit of detection or there is currently no ‘antigen’ in the donor’s body.
Invalid result:
If the control line (C) is not visible after performing the test, the result should be considered invalid.
The intensity of colour in the test line region (T) may vary depending on the concentration of “antigen” present in the specimen. Therefore, any shade of colour in the test line region (T) should be considered as a positive screen result.
This is a qualitative screening test only and cannot determine the concentration of analytes in the specimen.
Insufficient specimen volume, incorrect operating procedure or expired tests are the most likely reasons for invalid results.
After completion, follow your company procedures for results reporting and further testing. Also, ensure that you dispose of any used equipment and PPE appropriately.
Please contact us if you need anymore information regarding the use of this product.