Police Scotland share some results following their festive campaign
For the 1st time officers were able to test for drugs at the roadside and found 185 drivers failed roadside drug tests.
Drug tests for cannabis & cocaine resulted in 185 positive results from 480 drivers stopped.
Almost 600 motorists breathalysed between 1 Dec-2 Jan were under the influence of drink/drugs.
A total of 8687 drivers were stopped over the period, with 580 of those detected for drink/drug offences. 29 drivers were caught the morning after they had been drinking.
Some “highlights”:
- Staff at the Gyle Shopping Centre in Edinburgh saw man staggering from the premises to his car. The vehicle was traced after it had been crashed. The driver was arrested & found to be almost 7 times over the limit.
- A female driver in the Borders area was found in her car which was upside down having crashed into a field. She was 5 times over the limit.
- A female driver in Ayrshire was 6 times over the limit after she collided with other vehicles on the A77.
- A male tractor driver was twice the legal limit in Ayrshire after his tractor trailer became detached & collided with 3 parked vehicles.
Incredibly 16 of those positive are required to drive as part of their employment. They may now lose their jobs.
See this article for more information on testing your drivers. 4 Reasons To Carry Out Random Drug & Alcohol Testing In the Workplace