How to Test for Cocaine in the Workplace

How to Test for Cocaine in the Workplace

Cocaine is the second most commonly used drug in England and Wales among 16-59 year olds according to the Office for National Statistics. Because of this, if substance misuse is causing a suspected issue for your workforce- cocaine could well be a culprit.To help...
Cocaine Abuse in the UK & Europe

Cocaine Abuse in the UK & Europe

Widespread availability and low price points have resulted in cocaine usage increasing in Europe over the last decade. So much so that a record-breaking 213 tonnes were seized by EU State Members in 2020 alone. The growing prevalence of the drug in the UK means that 1...
Synthetic Cannabinoids – A Growing Risk

Synthetic Cannabinoids – A Growing Risk

Dwindling support services and declines in drug treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a proliferation in Synthetic Cannabinoid usage across Europe, causing 224 new forms to be detected on the continent since 2008 and 15 for the first time in 2021. Whilst...