ScreenPro Urine Drug Test Dip By: its_webmaster|Published on: Sep 20, 2022|Categories: | Name Email Company Name Phone Number According to the results in the image above, this drug test panel indicates non-negative result for? METHADONE and BENZO METHADONE PCP BENZO None The ScreenPro Drug Test Urine Dip results are stable for...? 5 minutes Between 5-10 minutes Up to 60 minutes Two hours None The ScreenPro Drug Test Urine Dip can be used beyond its expiry date if…? It has been stored at room temperature It has been frozen It is less than 1 month of its expiry date It should never be used beyond its expiry date None What is the normal temperature of a urine sample? 0-10 degrees Celsius 15-30 degrees Celsius 32-38 degrees Celsius Any None If the temperature of a specimen is not within normal range...? Assume the donor recently drank a cold beverage It should be considered invalid and a new sample should be taken in a new cup If the specimen is negative, it is acceptable Accept results if the urine colour is normal None How long should the test strips be inserted into the urine sample? 5 seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds 5 minutes None How far should the ScreenPro Drug Test Urine Dip be placed into the specimen? All the way in So the plastic cassette is not touching the specimen Just the very tip It doesn't matter None What does a control line indicate at the top of the strips? The strip hasn't worked correctly The strip has worked correctly The results are non-negative The results are negative None Non-negative results should be read at…? 2 Minutes 5 Minutes As soon as they appear 60 Minutes None Negative results should be read at…? 2 Minutes 5 Minutes As soon as both control and test lines are visible 60 Minutes None The presence of a control and a test line, no matter what the intensity, indicates the test…? Is invalid Is negative Is non-negative Should be re-run since the results are questionable None According to the results in the image above, this drug test panel indicates negative results for? BENZO and BARB BENZO PPX BENZO and PPX and BARB None Time's up