It’s now illegal to try to pass a drug test by sample adulteration in the state of Iowa (USA).
We often see and detect / help our customers detect employees trying to tamper with their urine samples to pass a drug test. Indeed there is a whole industry dedicated to “how to pass your drug test”. We cover it in our training programs and we sell SVT strips to test for “Specimen Validity”. Usually under a UK D&A Policy employees caught doing this are dealt with by disciplinary procedure as if they’d given a + result.
Now in the state of Iowa (USA) you could go to jail if caught.
HF 283 makes it illegal to “manufacture, market, sell, distribute, use, or possess synthetic urine or a urine additive for the purpose of defrauding a drug or alcohol test” in Iowa.
The bill defines “urine additives” as “any substance that is designed to be added to human urine for the purpose of defrauding a drug or alcohol test”. “Synthetic urine” is defined as “any substance that is designed to simulate the composition, chemical properties, physical appearance, or physical properties of human urine for the purpose of defrauding a drug or alcohol test”.
The ITS Urine Adulteration Strips are a rapid “dip-and-read” screening test for the determination of diluted or adulterated urine specimens. Click here to go to our product page.
If you have concerns about drugs and or alcohol in the workplace we can help, please contact us.